Claudine college of Nursing - History/Timeline



This is the Lords doing it is marvelous in our eyes ps118:23 .True to this Words Claudine College of Nursing is born today marking the beginning of blessing of the Claudine College of nursing. Merciful love of the father, farsighted vision of the Founders pioneers and the commitment of our sisters have made it possible to reach this auspicious occasion. The newly put-up college of nursing building was inaugurated and blessed on 21st December 2021 by Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy Arch Bishop of Madurai. The whole ceremony began with a prayer, welcome address and opening of the new building by cutting the ribbon by Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy Arch Bishop of Madurai and the opening of the foundation stone by Rev. Sr Fatima Kattar, the Provincial Superior of the Madurai Province

Soon after the inauguration and the blessing there was a Thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration presided by the bishop followed by a short felicitation programme to honour all those who rendered their labour of love. Good number of priests and religious were present for the occasion. It was delighting to see a large number of parishioners and well-wishers’ benefactors and staff of our institution witnessing the event joyfully. The whole programme was meticulously planned and executed by Batlagundu community sisters. The programme ended with a sumptuous meal for all. Congratulations dear Sisters and all the best.




Today is the day in which the long-awaited dream of sisters of the cross of Chavanod became a reality. Yes, the dawn of new college of nursing. The new 60 students arrived today. Admission and registration work was carried out today from 9am followed by a meeting at 3pm for all the parents and students in the college auditorium. Meeting began with the prayer song followed by orientation of the sisters of the cross and their mission especially at Batlagundu. Dr. Jeyarani principal college of nursing addressed the gathering and gave brief introduction about the BSc nursing academic programme also rules and regulations to be observed by the students and the parents. Sr. Felsi the secretary of college of nursing spoke regarding the anti-ragging, procedure for discontinuing the course and so on. Sr. Gracy hostel warden explained about the hostel rules and regulations. And the meeting came to an end all the parents returned home and the students to the hostel.



Inaugural function for the 1st batch of B.Sc.(Nursing) for the academic year 2021-22 was initiated on 25th January at 9am by CLAUDINE COLLEGE OF NURSING run by sisters of the cross of Chavanod.

The Programme began with an invocation. There was a meaningful prayer service on the theme of sculpting oneself. warm words of welcome followed by welcome dance performed by the outgoing batch of DGNM students. Executive board members and the faculty were introduced to the students.

There was the felicitation by Sr. Pushpa, Sr. Vasantha, and Sr. Jacqueline. They elaborated about the role of nurses and their importance in the health care industry and their own experience with the nursing professionals. They appreciated about the dedication and qualities of nurses which make all the budding nurses feel pride in choosing the Nursing Profession as their life carrier.

Followed by outgoing batch of DGNM students welcomed the freshers with a rose and entertained us with their outstanding dance performance. Things end but memories last forever.


We love our country not because it is great but because it is our own. We celebrated the 73rd republic day on which the constitution of India came into effect, Republic Day celebration began at 9am in the college of nursing Chellampatti. Sr. Manohari Headmistress of the Holy Cross Higher Secondary School was the chief guest of the day. It began with the short prayer by Sr. Deepa followed by welcome address by Ms. Prabha. Followed by student’s parade. There was 4 houses Claudine, Leonard, Nightingale, Mermier houses. Flag hoisting was done by our chief guest Sr. Manohari Professor, Headmistress of the Holy Cross Higher Secondary School followed by excellent motivational speech for the students was delivered by her. With the national anthem the programme came to an end. Competitions like rangoli, poster presentation and relay was conducted for the students to exhibit their talents and extracurricular activities.


Student nurses’ association is a nation-wide organization of nursing students. It is a dynamic body of the school, keeping their spirit soaring high through various activities. The election of the SNA office bearers were held on 9th February 2022. SNA adviser Mrs. Sophia Mary Stella Nursing tutor, Vice president Ms. Hemalatha Secretary Ms. Thirisha , Treasurer Ms. Gayathri devi and also elected members for various committee. This association organizes many educational programmes on topics related to health celebrations of nurses day, teachers day, world health day, Christmas, Pongal, hospital day, hostel day etc…...

World sick day

Claudine College of nursing chellampatti observes ‘World Day of the Sick 2022’ on 11th February 2022 marking this special day of observance. World Day of the Sick is observed on February 11 every year. Introduced by Pope John Paul II in the year 1992. World Day of the Sick was started so that believers can pray for people who suffer from various illnesses. Observation of World Day of the Sick usually involves everything from sharing prayers and messages wishes and more. So, the students expressed their compassion and solidarity in support of the sick people around us to ensure a healthy Society. On that day DGNM students performed a skit on good Samaritan. Patients,’ faculty members, sisters, and all students participated and prayed for the sick and suffering. BSc nursing students greeted every patient with the bouquet and wished them speedy recovery.

Talent’s day

Talents Day was celebrated at Claudine College of Nursing Chellampatti, on 26th February at Claudine College of Nursing auditorium.

The programme was inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp and a short prayer .

Prof. Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar in her presidential address said, “ Everyone has a unique talent or skill at which they truly excel. Today is the day to embrace those ability and show them off.” She also encouraged them to take part in extra-curricular activities so that they can enhance their talents proving it to be beneficial in their future.

The Talent Days are an eventful occasion. The talents day is designed to allow all students to exhibit their special interest in dancing, singing, acting or some other area. Talent Day is a special event, what makes it special is not only the excitement it brings but the great experience to be lived. .

The students in groups and solo came up with mind-blowing performances. There were different forms of dance, songs in different languages, mime and plays bringing out different themes. It was a chance for the students to shine. .

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks by students’ council secretary .

Organ donation day

To create an awareness about organ donation among general public Rotary club Batlagundu along with Leonard hospital and Claudine college of nursing arranged an exhibition of posters charts and displayed many models on 4th march 2022 at Leonard hospital Batlagundu. Nurses are more closely associated with the patients and their relatives and hence there was a great need to understand organ donation. Nurses play a very important role to counsel relatives of the patients who may end up with brain death. So, there was many stalls put up to explain to everyone regarding the importance of different organs and cadaver donation. In this way the programme was a great success.

International women’s day

Claudine College of Nursing observed and celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, 2022 along with DEEPAM trust in a grand manner. The theme of the International Women’s Day 2022 is “Gender Equality today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. IWD began in the 1900s, and it is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality..

The event started at 10 am with a rally from the Leonard hospital premises to the ATSS Mahal at batlagundu. The rally was started by Sr.Pushpa Administrator of Leonard hospital. Prayer dance by the staff of DEEPAM centre and traditional culture of lighting the kuthuvilakku was done by the extinguished chief guests on the dais, after which Mrs.vaaneeswari welcomed the gathering.

Presidential address was given by Dr. M. Ramachandran MBBS DTCD Dindigul He highlighted the importance of Women’s Day, and the role of Women. Dr.Parimala Devi MBBS batlagundu, Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar, Mrs. Rajeswari, Sr. Philis, Sr. Amali, and Sr. Hilaria felicitated the gathering and Women’s Day special message was given by them. They emphasized the importance of psychological health of women by following a balanced life style which includes healthy food, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep and reduced stress levels.

Around 150 members participated in the event which included the Staff, self-help group and students of Claudine College of nursing.

An excellent dance performance was given by the students of the Claudine College of nursing which depicted the bravery of Women.

These collective events primarily portrayed the importance of education, importance of family, judicious usage of social media and courage of Women.

Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mrs. Seethalakshmi.

The program ended with the National Anthem. Tea and biscuits were served to all the attendees of the event.

World tuberculosis day

World Tuberculosis Day was commemorated by Claudine College of Nursing and an Awareness teaching was given by Sr. Arputha Mary Vice Principal for all the students. The Theme of this World Tuberculosis Day is “Invest to End Save Lives”. The aim of the program was to create awareness among the students about prevention and management of Tuberculosis. She explained the various aspects of Healthy Practices on prevention and management of Tuberculosis. Followed by there was an open discussion session Quiz where the students participated enthusiastically. About 80 students attended the heath talk, and the program ended at 12.30 pm.

District level quiz and essay competition was conducted by the DHS Dindigul in view of creating awareness among nursing students on tuberculosis. Our students from Claudine college of nursing participated and won 2nd prize in quiz and 3rd prize in essay writing. Congratulations dear students and proud of you

World health day

World Health Day 2022 the theme for this year is 'Our Planet, Our Health'. In honour of celebrating the world health day 80 saplings were planted in our college campus by the students

Lamp lighting Ceremony

The Lamp lighting ceremony held as a tribute to Florence Nightingale is an auspicious occasion in every nurse’s life. The budding nurses, adorned in their uniforms for the first time, formally marks the student’s entry into the nursing profession.

The ‘Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony’ of the 26th batch of GNM and 1st batch of B. Sc Nursing students of Claudine College of Nursing was held on 27th April, at CCON Auditorium, Chellampatti.

The programme commenced with a prayer. Rev. Sr. Fatima Kattar Provincial Superior, Province of Madurai was the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar Principal Claudine College of nursing welcomed the gathering. The august dignitaries on the dais lighted the lamp and inaugurated the ceremony. Sr. Amali, nursing faculty Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, highlighted the significance of the day.

Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar Principal along with Sr.Arputha Mary Vice Principal lit the lamps of 80 novice nursing students which symbolizes wisdom, knowledge and compassion, followed by recitation of oath, pledging themselves to uphold the duties as a professional Nurse, administered by Sr.Shiny Choorakatil nursing superindentent.A melodious and soothing song “Make me a Blessing” added solemnity for the program.

The chief guest, Rev. Sr. Fatima Kattar Provincial Superior, Province of Madurai, in her address to the gathering applauded the students for choosing the nursing profession. She gave a call to the students to be committed, have a right attitude and be disciplined as a student. She said that these budding nurses are a great asset to the needy patients.

Dr. Sr. Jacqueline the guest of honour congratulated the new budding nurses and motivated them to imbibe the sanctity of the profession. She emphasized the budding nurses to develop knowledge, skill and attitude and wished them good luck as they enter the nursing profession

There was a colourful and variety cultural programmes given by our students. It was an incredible fabulous and energetic performance. Followed by Ms. Mary nursing tutor proposed the vote of thanks. The Programme was compered by Sr. Deepa Peter Faculty of Claudine college of nursing.

Nurses’ day celebration

The theme for the 2022 Nurses A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health. International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on May 12, the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, to mark the contributions nurses make to society. Claudine college of nursing chellampatti, celebrated International Nurses Day on May 13, 2022, at the CCON auditorium.Ms Prabha, Nursing tutor, CCON, in her welcome address greeted the dignitaries, Sr.Shiny Choorakatil Nursing Superintendent, Ms Rachel Stephen Nursing Supervisor and Ms Krishnaveni Head nurse (Maternity Ward) Lenard Hospital.

All the nurses pledged their noble profession, under the leadership of Sr.Shiny Choorakatil Nursing Superintendent. Ms Krishnaveni Head nurse (Maternity Ward) Lenard Hospital in her Chief Guest address, noted the importance of nurses in society and the importance of their recognition as the important medical staff. Ms Rachel Stephen Nursing Supervisor unfolded the Nurses Day Theme 2022 – Nurses A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health. She also stressed on the importance of having specialist nurses. Then the dignitaries presented the Appreciation Awards all the winners and prize distribution for cultural competitions. The celebration ended with a vote of thanks. There were many SNA competitions conducted like

Face painting • Hair decoration • Fashion show

Solo song, Group song • Solo dance, group dance• Quiz programme

Breastfeeding week program

The theme for the breastfeeding week 2022 was “step up for breastfeeding” educate and support.

Claudine college of nursing celebrated world breastfeeding week on 6th august 2022 at 9 am in Leonard hospital Batlagundu. The DGNM 3rd-year students performed a role play on breastfeeding techniques, a health talk was given with the use of models and health education cards, also a mime was shown to the women to create awareness about the benefits and Dos, and DONTs, of breastfeeding

75th Independence Day and 1st sports day

The Independence Day celebration was commemorated on 15th August at 7am in Leonard hospital. The chief guests were president and vice president of Batlagundu. The program began with the prayer followed by a march past, flag hoisting, patriatic dance and chief guest address. It was a mind-blowing performance and the programme got over at 8.30 am successfully..

The 1st sports day of Claudine College of Nursing began in College campus at 8.30 am on 15th of August 2022. Dr. sr. Phillis Rayar Director of Deepam Social Welfare center Batlagundu has kindly consented to be the chief guest for the programme. There were 4 houses namely Leonard, Claudne, Mermier, and Nightingale. They were differentiated by various colours. Each group was led by a team leader. The houses were assessed by the chief guests and the dignitaries on the stage for the uniformity, marching rules and aesthetic sense and the best performance award was given to the Mermier group.

After the march past the flag hoisting was done by Sr. Phillis and kodi padal and pledge was taken and declared the sports meet open.Students & staff of our college participated in the event with much vigor. Various indoor and field games were organised to mark the show. There were some team competitions that included javelin throw, relay 100m, 200m, shotput, ringball, shuttle cocktug of war and kho-kho, etc to enhance cohesion amongst CCON family and some individual competitions were held like carrom, chess, etc to takeout individual capabilities. The management of the CCON took keen interest and motivated participants throughout the events. The winners were given certificates, medals & trophies by the chief guest. The chief guest in her address cited the importance of sports and healthy lifestyle for overall development in an individual. she also motivated students to play sports in serious manner so that they could further compete in university and state level competitions. And the programme was a grand success.

1st College Day on 25th August 2022

Claudine college of nursing celebrated its 1st College Day on 25th August 2022 in Claudine college of nursing auditorium. The program was graced by Rev Fr. Antony Paulsamy Secretary of RTU (Reaching the unreached) G.Kallupatti, The Honourable chief guest and the dignitaries on the dais Dr. Jeyarani Prem kumar, the Principal, Sr. Felsi Secretary, vice principal Sr, Arputha mary, Sr, Shiny Choorakatil Mother Superior, Sr. Pushpa our Administrator, Sr. Dr. Vasantha MS Leonard hospital. The inaugural program started with hoisting the college flag by Rev.Fr. Paulsamy followed by college anthem.

The formal program began at 10.30 A.M. This special day began with a short prayer, followed by the welcome dance. The presentation of annual report of college activities is a special feature of the annual day function. Felicitation and distribution of certificates of merit in due acknowledgment to the students of the college for their exemplary performance in different academic pursuits formed another segment of the program.

The naming ceremony of each batch of students were announced Bsc 1st year – Jacinth, DGNM 1st year – Jasper, DGNM 2nd year – Pearl, DGNM 3rd year- Ruby The Chief Guest Rev Fr Antony Paulsamy Secretary of RTU (Reaching the unreached) G.Kallupatti, , gave insights on how important it is to be educated also encouraged the students to grab the opportunities as and when they get one. The cultural activities performed by the students’ exhibited their hidden talents. The various activities performed on the occasion included skits, songs under different styles, mime, dances and so forth. Overall championship in Sports for respective team, declared. The College Day was a grand success and the program went on as scheduled.

Teachers’ day

“Good teachers are the reasons why ordinary students dream to do extraordinary things”

Teachers’ day was celebrated by the students of Claudine college of nursing on 5th September 2022 at 4 pm in the college auditorium. Students expressed their gratitude for the immense contribution put forth by the teachers toward their development. Teachers are the cornerstone of students’ future

Students decorated the auditorium in a grand manner and the faculties were welcomed warmly. Each of the faculties was given a gift and a rose plant as a token of gratitude to show the acknowledgment and recognition of the hard work put in by the teachers towards their development. Mr. Manoharan English teacher gave a meaningful talk to the gathering and inspired us by his lifestyle. Followed by a variety of games conducted for the teachers by the students and also some dance performances. It was a celebration mode for every one of us. The event was concluded with high tea, jellaba, and a mixture.

Nutrition day celebration

Title: Renal, PCOD, Iron, Diabetes, Hypertension diet

Date: 07/09/2022 @ 11am

Venue: Medical, Surgical, gynec, and gynec and front OPD of Leonard Hospital

Beneficiaries: IP, OP Patients of Leonard hospital Batlagundu.

Participants: BSc 1st year students.

As per the requirements of our curriculum, 1st year BSc nursing students decided to celebrate nutrition day on 7th September 2022. Students were divided into 5groups under the guidance of each faculty. They prepared charts, flashcards, models, dishes, sprouted grains, green leafy vegetables, ragi balls, Rava balls, and so on.

Venue Topic Chief Guest Responsible faculty Medical ward Renal diet Dr. Yashwant Sr. Deepa Surgical ward DM diet Dr. Nandha GopalMs. Mary Gynec ward Iron Rich diet Ms. Rachel NS Ms. Priya OPD HT diet Sr. Pushpakumari Ms. Prabha Gynec OPD PCOD diet Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar Ms. Pandiammal .

At 11am in the presence of the chief guest mentioned above also under the guidance of the responsible teachers, students gathered the patients and attendees and gave a health talk, mime, enact, also explained about the diets, calorie values, benefits, and so on. There were many questions and doubts asked by the participants. It was all cleared and made them understand. The students were very creative and enthusiastic. The program was a grand success.


Claudine college of nursing celebrated the international NSS day on 24th September in an adopted village Kannapatti. The day kick-started with lot of enthusiasm and a spirit of teamwork rose in everyone’s hearts. We started from the College of Nursing, around 9:00 am and reached our destination. Taking the first step into the village, every one of the NSS volunteers were filled with a gleaming sense of responsibility to do something which can be summarized as ‘NOT ME NOT YOU BUT WE!’ Firstly, everyone was divided in to 4 groups and assigned the work of cleaning the village.

Followed by awareness programme on open defecation, waste disposal management, rain water harvesting, and first aid was given to the villagers thus making them aware of its importance on health. Finally it was great success.


Venue:- Black thunder, Mettupalayam.Date :- 1st October 2022 The most awaited day of the year was the college picnic to black thunder, Mettupalayam. Black Thunder, Mettupalayam gave an experience of being surrounded by greenery and the beauty of nature. We started at 1.30 am in morning with prayer and a feeling of a great day ahead. The students were extremely excited and kept singing songs and dancing in the bus till they reached the venue.

The most enjoyable time was in the play area with a variety of wet and dry games. After tiring and fun-packed moments in black thunder we all headed back to our place. All the students expressed a desire to revisit the place again. Indeed, it was a great day for all the students and teachers, as it strengthened the bond between the students and theirteachers. It was a sound and safe return trip. “Cheers”.


Food demonstration is a process of conveying nutritional information to a target group through cooking and sharing nutritional tips as it is being done. This includes discussing different available foods and how they can be used, as well as cooking the food together and tasting the prepared food.

A cooking demonstration was held on 29th October 2022 by Bsc1st year & DGNM 1st-year students of Claudine College of Nursing, Chellampatty.

The purpose of conducting participatory cooking demonstrations is to:

• Enable the students to gain new food preparation skills. Develop their confidence in preparing improved or new dishes.

• Create awareness of under-utilized nutritious food ingredients readily available at the home, hospital, in community or in the other area.

A total number of 80 students participated for the demonstration who were divided into 4 groups of 20 students each, and each group had to prepare one therapeutic meal for the patient and were given 04:00 hours for preparing the meal. The preparation phase for the program was harmonious and interesting with all the involved members showing active participation and coordination. After preparation of all the dishes, students labelled & displayed the dishes in a creative and attractive manner. There were charts on the different types of diets, importance of nutrition, health benefits of a balanced diet. Every student participated with full of enthusiasm and they were judged and questioned by our Honourable Principal Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar Claudine College of Nursing, Prof. Sr. Arputha Mary Vice Principal, Secretary Sr. Felsi, and all teaching faculty of the College.

At the end of the program, they served sprouted grains and lemon juice to all the students. All of them enjoyed it a lot and all liked the dishes very much. In this way the whole program was organized nicely and ended happily.

Group 1 - Renal diet, Group 2 - Hypertension diet, Group 3 - Iron Rich Diet, Group 4 - Diabetic diet

The program overall was an entertainment package for all and was a success with the students feeling satisfied.

Freshers’ day

The purpose of the Fresher’s Party is to welcome new students in a friendly atmosphere and to encourage their creative impulses to boost their confidence. It is the day when seniors and juniors finally bond and unite to celebrate being part of the college.

Jacinth batch students welcomed the juniors with a rose, specs, a file with pen, notepad, and grand music displayed. The program was hosted by Ms. Janet Jasper and Ms. Mahalakshmi K. after the grand welcome there was a short and meaningful prayer service. The seniors along with the freshers got a chance to showcase their talents through various dance performances like solo, group dances, skits, and entertainment games. The principal spoke about anti-ragging cell importance in our college. Then the fresher self-introduced and they actively participated in the event. The program finally ended leaving behind sweet memories to be cherished.


The student nurse’s association of Claudine college of nursing organized a Christmas celebration for staff and students on 17th December 2022 at 11 am in the College Auditorium. The program was led under the guidance of Sr. Amali SNA advisor of CCON. The program began with a prayer service, conducted by 2nd-batch B.Sc. nursing students.

Ms. Kowsalya 2nd-year DGNM student welcomed the gathering. The students of Claudine College of Nursing showcased their talents through various performances including Christmas carols, nativity scenes, and Christmas dances. Meanwhile, Santa surprised the crowd with his arrival along with a flash mob displayed by the 2nd batch of BSc students. Fr. Paul Raj Principal of Annai Velankannni Matric Hr.Sec. School Batlagundu gave a message on true Christmas. Christmas is celebrated all over the world. It is a season where we open our hearts to receive the Saviour of the world. The birth of Emmanuel brings joy, peace, and tidings to our families. Consume what is good and get rid of all the malice so that we can witness Christ in our lives and in the lives of our fellow beings.

Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar Principal CCON addressed the gathering and inspired the students with a Christmas message. The vote of thanks was proposed and the program came to an end with the institutional anthem.



Pongal celebrations were held at Claudine College of Nursing on 14th January 2023 at 9am. All the students & faculty came in traditional attire & the campus was filled with banter & laughter.

Pongal was prepared by the staff and students. The ceremony was inaugurated by lighting the firewood. As the milk came up to the brim of the pot, boiled water and milk overflowed and the crowd cooed 'pongalo pongal' to express oneness. The soaked rice and dhal was poured into the boiling milk and water. The handful of rice was added by the staff and students. Sweet Pongal and sugarcane were distributed to all the students. Followed by Some competitions like uriyadi & dance programs were conducted to raise the spirit of the Pongal celebration. The 'uri adithal' a traditional game where people are blindfolded and are asked to hit a mud pot hanging from a rope with a rod. The day came to an end with memories as it was yet another joyous celebration Claudine College had to offer.


Competition on organ donation

Organ donation is a crying need to promote awareness of voluntary pledges to donate organs. The government has set up the Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation at the national, zonal, and regional levels to address this issue. As part of this campaign INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, LEONARD HOSPITAL BATLAGUNDU & ROTARY CLUB conducted a competition on 24th January 2023 @2pm in Claudine College of Nursing.

The nursing students from various nursing colleges were invited and participated in the competition (skin donation, eye donation & and blood donation). It was a great honor that our students from Claudine College of Nursing won all the first prizes in the above competitions. They were gifted by the IMA & ROTARY president.

Republic day 2023

All the students and faculty members of Claudine College of Nursing celebrated Republic Day on 26th January 2023 as a remark that the Constitution of India came into effect. The program started with prayer at 8:00 a.m. After that, a parade and flag hoisting took place on the college grounds. The principal of our college hoisted the national flag and gave a motivational speech.

This was followed by the salute to our national flag and sang our National Anthem. Everyone was feeling very happy because it was a matter of great pride for all of us that the constitution of India came into force in our country, and India became a republic. In the end, the program was concluded by distributing sweets to all the students..


The Claudine College of Nursing, Chellampatti conducted the Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony on 28th January 2023 at 11 a.m. in the college Auditorium. The chief guest of the program was Mrs. Thilagavathy BSc Nursing, Director of Maternal & Child Health (DMCH) Dindigul. The Dignitaries were given a grand welcome by the band group of our college. The new budding nurses came in procession with solemn music. The program began with the inspirational prayer Song by students of the college.

The solemnity of the Program was Inaugurated by the lighting of a lamp with the auspicious hands of dignitaries. The significance of lamp lighting was explained by Sr. Amali, followed by senior members of the nursing profession Principal Dr. Jeyarani Premkumar & and Vice Principal Sr. Arputha Mary handed over the lambs to the freshers, after receiving the lighted candles took the oath led by Sr. Grace NS Leonard Hospital and they sang the dedication song followed by Fr. Paul Raj Principal AVMS gave final blessing & the solemnity of the ceremony came to an end. Then began the graduation function. Welcoming the dignitaries, conferring the diploma certificates, chief guest address, and cultural. It was a grand success.

Staff Welfare program

It was a day (18.02.2023) filled with lots of fun, joy, laughter, music and dance for the Claudine family as we went for a day picnic at Rameswaram. Staff photographs, yummy and delicious breakfast, sightseeing of the various places, playing at the shore at Dhanush Kodi, and visiting the famous churches on the island. This was followed by a delicious lunch with a variety of fish.

Though the picnic was done in a day, the memories will last for a long time as it was our first-ever staff picnic. The staff thanked Management for organizing the picnic which was much needed and well spent with lots of sweet memories, positivity, and strong bonding among the staff.


At Claudine College, Chellampatti, on March 1st, the students took a break from academics to unwind and enhance their interpersonal skills. Fr. Wilson SVD was the Retreat Preacher. The session was based on the idea, “Faith over Fear” and மண்டபத்திரம். .

Though the picnic was done in a day, the memories will last for a long time as it was our first-ever staff picnic. The staff thanked Management for organizing the picnic which was much needed and well spent with lots of sweet memories, positivity, and strong bonding among the staff.

Women’s Day celebration

The celebration of Women's Day started at 2:00 p.m. at the Auditorium Claudine College of Nursing. The celebration started with a lamp-lighting ceremony along with a Short meaningful Prayer song. Dr. Sr. Hilaria Soundari Professor at Gandhi Gram University was the Chief guest of the day. She is an exemplary woman leader in uplifting and empowering Women in Society. It was a great privilege to have her among us. She shared her experiences & and views on the importance of women in society. She also told the power of women, & put the emphasis on the role of women in the development of society. She said “Gender equality is a right. Fulfilling this right is the best chance we have in meeting some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Women are not only more affected by the problems, but also possess ideas and leadership to solve them.The gender discrimination still holding too many women back, holds our world back too.” .

She put the emphasis on holding the hands together for a better future. She said that women should handhold each other and come out stronger. various activities were planned by students like singing, dancing, mime, and acting, showing the importance of women in society. These activities were followed by giving a gift to participating students for their support and enthusiasm for the celebration. The program ended with a vote of thanks, and refreshment to all.

Simulation training @ Apollo Hospital Chennai

This program is a joint venture by the Tamil Nadu Nursing Council and Apollo Simulation Centre as per the new curriculum of BSc nursing in which simulation has been mandatory. .

Faculty from Claudine College of Nursing participated in the 3-day workshop from 9th to 11th March and benefitted from it. It was a new learning and innovative methodology to be inculcated into the curriculum.

World TB Day

World TB Day 2023, with the theme ' Yes! We can end TB ! ', aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increased investments, faster uptake of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration to combat the TB epidemic.

In view of celebrating this day, various competitions were conducted by the Dindigul Directorate of Health Sciences on 24 March 2023. Our Student Ms. Selvasandhiya from Claudine College of Nursing won first prize in the Essay Competition & Shield. Kudos to all the students who participated in it.

New hostel entry and blessing

Claudine Hostel a Home away from Home. Yet another successful page is opened in the annals of Claudine College of Nursing. “A new Claudine College Hostel”. Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.

So happy to begin this New, exciting journey with the good company of students and friends.

World Health Day 2023

World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on the 7th of April. Students of Claudine College of Nursing commemorated World Health Day On 12th April.

Posters, charts, and creative working models on various parts of the body were displayed at the reception area of the Leonard Hospital to create awareness among patients and students about the importance of health. Many patients, attendees, bystanders, and students benefitted a lot from it. The program was very successful in creating awareness among the targeted population.

Food fest

The fundraising program was conducted by SNA on Nurses Day (12. 05.2023) to make this day a memorable day for them. variety and colorful stalls were put up to attract foodies.

Mesmerizing ads were put up to grab the snacks. It was a fun fun-filled and stomach-filled day, ending happily with pleasant memories.

Nurses’ Day

On 12th May 2023, we celebrated International Nurses Day at Claudine College of Nursing.

The students who are the powerhouse of our college presented a wonderful cultural fest highlighting the importance of nursing and expressed their pride of being nurses. It was a great day.

World Environment Day

The world environment day was celebrated in CCON on 05.06.2023. the students were given an awareness talk on environmental changes in a global world. Imparted knowledge on environmental protection, and conservation and also shined a spotlight on climate change increasing land, air, and noise pollution's effect on health. Also, the staff and students planted saplings to protect the earth.

SNA activities @ CCON

In view of celebrating the SNA biennial conference, every Nursing College was asked to conduct SNA competition at the institutional level. And so, from 14th June to 17th June 2023 there were various competitions conducted for our students in the CCON auditorium. Sr. Phillis and Sr. Anto were the evaluators for the competitions on all 3 days.

14.06.2023 - Dance Monoact, - Personality contest, - Speech

15.06.2023 - Pencil Sketch drawing, - Rangoli, - -On-the-spot painting

17.06.2023 - Relay, - Discuss throw,- Javelin throw

18.06.2023 - Poster presentation

Medical camp @ Thoppampatti

A medical camp was conducted on 24.06.2023 @ Thoppampatti govt school because of celebrating the 100th birthday of Thiru. M. Karunanidhi the former chief minister of Tamil Nadu.

The camp aimed at all specializations, and a mega camp around 6000 people could benefit from it. Minister R. Sakkarapani food minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated the camp and provided food for all people who participated in it. Our students from Claudine College of Nursing Chellapatti rendered their service at their best. It was appreciated and noteworthy.

Zonal Competition @ Dindigul - 2023

SNA biennial conference @ Zonal level was conducted on 03.07.2023 @ 10 am in GTN CON Dindigul. Nursing Students from 3 districts namely Theni, Dindigul, and Karur participated in it.

The chief guest of the programme was Dr. Suganthi Rajakumari Dean of Dindigul Medical College Hospital and state SNA advisor Dr. Sudha RN RM, Ph.D. Our students from Claudine College of Nursing won prizes in many competitions. Kudos to all the winners. Proud of you Claudines.

First aid and fire safety classes - 2023

The fire safety department from Batlagundu demonstrated to the students regarding fire safety measurements and first aid.

NSS Activity - 2023

As part of their NSS activity students cleansed college premises on 8th July 4 pm to 5 pm.

SNA Biennial Conference @ Salem

25 students both DGNM & B.Sc. along with Mam. Elizabeth marched forward to Salem Dharan College of Nursing for the state-level conference on 10- 13th August 2023.

Our students first time flew high from their nest. It was a good exposure and learning for them. Ms. Preetha B.Sc. 1st year won 1st prize in poster presentation and went to a national competition.

Field visits

Sr. Amali accompanied the students to a slaughterhouse in Dindigul. It was an exciting learning and an awesome opportunity to see the various parts of animals.

Mrs. Pandiammal accompanied the students to the water purification site. It was a very good exposure to see the various levels of water purification plants and procedures.

Mrs. Pandiammal and Mrs. Elizabeth accompanied the students to the Dodla Dairy farm in Kannapatti. It was a fun-filled, stomach-filled, and mind-blowing experience.

Puppet show

Puppet show The students of CCON were trained in puppetry making on 2.9.2023 which is a very ancient form of theatre. It was taught by Mr. Babudasan from G. Kallupatti.

This aimed at developing their visual-spatial intelligence and kinaesthetic intelligence. It encouraged the craftsmanship and originality of the students and enabled them to learn about various puppet designs, techniques, and the technique of staging a puppet show. At the end, students presented their handwork by making colorful puppets and presented a show.

Independence Day 2023

Independence Day 2023 Independence Day was celebrated grandly with a colorful parade, patriotic dance, speech, and with variety of cultural.

Dr. sr. Jacquline was the chief guest, hoisted the flag, and delivered a meaningful message to the students. It was a proud moment to celebrate Independence Day.

Sports day 26.08.2023

A day filled with excitement, thrills, shrills, and cheers. The chief guest of the day was Mr. Balamurugan Constable Pattiveeranpatti. The day started with the lovely rendition by the choir to pay salutations to the Lord Almighty followed by the house Marchpast, a highly competitive event where the four houses eyed for the 1st place.

The audience next witnessed various displays like dance, drill, Speech, Pyramids, etc. The displays made way for the highly awaited athletic events where competitiveness among the students soared high. Another highlight of the day was lighting the Olympic torch which was carried by our college champions. Ms. Kowsalya and Ms. Malathy were the MCs of the program. Winners were awarded for their achievements. At the end of the day, students departed with a clear smile on their faces.

Nutrition Week Program

As part of their curriculum requirement students were given various diets to cook and display on 7.9.2023. They prepared anemia, renal, balanced, hypertensive diets, and natural foods.

They displayed the nutritive value of each dish. Healthy food vs junk food also was displayed. They distributed Bengal gram to all the students who participated in the program.

Picnic to Wonderland Kochin 2023

‘‘Happy times come and go but the memories stay forever.’’ The students of CCON went for an exciting trip to Kochi wonderland on 23rd October despite the hurdles of the Nipa virus. Students were extremely excited to reach their destination.

At 5 am reached Paranagnanam St. Alphonsa Shrine and attended Syrian mass, had breakfast, and proceeded to Wonderla. All the students kept singing and dancing on the bus till they reached the venue. They enjoyed wonderful rides, a wave pool, a rain dance, and many other exciting and thrilling games. Finally left the place at 6 pm and reached back safe hostel.

World Heart Day 29th September 2023

Our students from Claudine College of Nursing celebrated World Heart Day at Dindigul Govt Medical College Hospital.

The students displayed many charts, drama, and health education to the patients who attended cardiac OPD on that day.

Freshers party

The second batch of BSc nursing students gave a wonderful welcome to their juniors (2023-2024) batch on 9.10.23.

They made them feel proud of choosing this profession. Nurses are walking angels on earth with stethoscopes to alleviate sickness and suffering. It was a very grand welcome and a mind-blowing performance of dramas, dances, songs, etc

Talent’s Day 3rd batch BSc and 27th GNM batch (2023-2024)

The fresher batch showcased their talents on 4th November at 11 am. It was simply superb, power-packed performance, mind-blowing, amazing, highly energetic, and wonderful moments of togetherness.

There were many dances, dramas, songs, mime shows, folk dances, speeches, and so on. The principal appreciated them for their achievements and encouraged them for future careers.

School health program

Third-year DGNM students conducted a structured teaching program on handwashing and oral hygiene for 1-5th standard students as part of their research. It was conducted in St. Thomas Primary School Batlagundu on 6th November 2023.

Children's Day and World Diabetes Day

World diabetes day was celebrated at Leonard Hospital in medical OPD and Children's Day at the pediatric ward. DGNM students took a lot of effort to do the program guided by the teachers. It was a great opportunity for the students to exhibit their talents.

National SNA Biennial conference @ Delhi

Faculty and students from Claudine College of Nursing participated in the National level SNA Biennial Conference in Delhi. Ms. Preetha BSc 2nd year had the opportunity of participating in traditional methods of play therapy poster presentation. It was a great moment to have had the chance to participate in a National level competition.

Viksit Bharat @2047

The vision of viksit Bharat @2047. It is a student outreach strategy for their participation. The objective was to obtain maximum participation from the students in giving suggestions on the vision for viksit Bharat @2047. Our students from CCON went to Chellampatti village and conducted the program.


Christmas is the season of joy, gift-giving, and families getting united. As CLAUDINES, we celebrated Christmas on 20.12.23 in a grand & unique manner. The celebration included melodious carols, a beautiful skit depicting the nativity of Jesus, colorful decorations of the crib and Christmas tree, and as a culmination the dazzling entry of Santa Claus added joy and excitement to the students. The joy and peace of Christ was visible on the faces of the students.


Claudine College of Nursing Chellampatti conducted lamp lighting and Oath-taking ceremony of BSc Nursing students (3rd batch) and DGNM 29th batch on 12th Jan 2024 at the auditorium from 11 am – 1 pm. The program started with an invocation song by 3rd year BSc Nursing students.

Sr. Felsi Secretary of Claudine College of Nursing highlighted the significance of the ceremony to nursing students and welcomed the dignitaries and gathering followed by lighting of the inaugural lamp lit by the dignitaries. The esteemed chief guests for the August ceremony were Mrs. Mary Grace and Mrs. Maharani Matron of Dindigul Govt Medical College Hospital. As a symbol of initiation into the nursing profession, the senior faculty members passed on the lambs to the students followed by oath-taking and a dedication song. Finally, the program ended with inspiring talk from the chief guests and mind-blowing, fabulous cultural events.


Our Claudine students 6 of them participated in the national level Quiz competition conducted by PSG College of Nursing Coimbatore on 24th January 2024. It was a good exposure, eye opener and a memorable experience for them.

Visitation of Claudine family - 6th generation

Claudine echernier is the founder of the sisters of the Cross of Chavanod. Claudine College of Nursing bears the name of its founder which is run by the sisters of the cross of Chavanod.

We were privileged to see the 6th generation family descendants of Mother Claudine. It was a great moment.

Women's Day Celebration march 8th 2024

Theme of the Programme was Invest in women: Accelerate progress. In view of celebrating women, Dr. Sr. Vasantha DGO Leonard Hospital arranged for a mega campaign to promote women's health through HPV Vaccine Awareness which helps prevent cervical cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer in women globally. India has a significant burden of cervical cancer, accounting for one-fifth of the world's total cases.

The HPV vaccine is important for several reasons provides approximately 90% protection from cervical cancer with the antibodies remaining stable for at least 10 years. Our Claudine students participated in the campaign and created mass awareness.

World TB Day (25.03.2024)

World Tuberculosis Day was observed on March 24 each year to raise public awareness and understanding about one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers, TB, and its devastating health, social, and economic impact on people around the world.

Claudine College of Nursing organized an awareness program on March 25, 2024, at Dindigul Medical College Hospital as part of World Health Day 2024. The students hosted the program (Mime), which was based on the theme ‘Yes! We can end TB' to raise public awareness about tuberculosis.

The awareness program encompasses the signs and symptoms, treatment, and prevention of tuberculosis. Mime emphasized early identification of the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, dietary management, and facilities available from the government to the public. It also highlighted the importance of drug therapy. The program was followed by a demonstration of hand hygiene

Disaster drill 27.03.2024

we can't prevent the earth from shaking, the wind from blowing, the rain from falling. Disaster occurs when these events come in direct contact with the environment resulting in loss of human lives and properties.

A mock drill is a practice of how to save a life in real-time situations of any kind of dangerous calamity that occurs with no advance or little to evacuate from the place. So, to train our Claudine students there was a mock drill conducted in college on code RED & ORANGE. The students did their best and learned to act in the real-time situations of disaster. Sr. Berna from Leonard Hospital (NABH co - co-ordinator) evaluated their performance and highly appreciated them for their efforts.

Voters pledge 11.04.2024

As part of National Voters’ Day,Claudine College of Nursing Chellampatti organized an awareness session on voting rights which is to be accepted as a basic need of human life.Our principal Dr.Jeyarani Premkumar said, that only the voters who elect their representatives have the right to question anything that goes wrong.

All the voters are considered wise citizens of the country and hence all the youth and citizens of the country need to enroll their names in the electoral list. She urged that every student in every organization should have the accountability and responsibility to vote despite their busy schedules.

University vice-chancellor visits 20.04.2024

Dr. K. Narayanasamy, Vice-Chancellor of the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU), visited Claudine College of Nursing, ChellamPatti, on 20th April 2024.

He inspected the clinical and teaching facilities of Claudine College of Nursing, congratulated Team CCON on their outstanding performance, and encouraged them to continue the good work with team spirit. He also assured that the Administration will provide the necessary support for the smooth functioning of the college.

Nurses’ Day celebration 11.05.2024

Claudine College of Nursing Chellampatti has conducted various activities in commemoration of International Nurses' Day 2024

coinciding with the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing. The theme selected by the International Council of Nurses for 2024 is "Our Nurses. Our Future. The Economic Power of Care." Various activities were conducted as part of the occasion. These activities included poetry writing, elocution contests, collage, and poster competitions. The event concluded with a series of cultural performances presented by the students

Hypertension Day 17.05.2024

Hypertension is called the silent killer as it gradually increases in the body, due to which the development of various cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure.

It gives no warning signs or symptoms whatsoever. This year, May 17, 2024, World Hypertension Day was celebrated by Claudine students in Leonard Hospital. The theme is “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer”, highlighting the need to increase awareness through education and taking pledges by Claudine nurses.

Hostel blessing 05.06.2024

Claudine College Hostel has stepped into another splendiferous and successful milestone since its inception in 2021.

The foundation stone was laid on 21.12.2021, and on 5th June 2024, Archbishop Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy blessed the newly completed hostel. Sr. Fatima Kattar Provincial of Madurai Province opened the cornerstone. The entire celebration was an expression of gratitude to God and all. It was a meaningful and solemn celebration. Claudine College Hostel is also a temple of dwelling and a learning place for life through quality education. For many students, it is a nurturing ground to exhibit their talents and engage themselves in creative activities.

Recreational & Occupational Therapy @ Mesmer Hospital dindigul (07.06.2024)

Participating in recreational activities and Occupational Therapy is very important for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental health. It can help rebuild skills, improve mood, improve quality of life, and strengthen social connections.

Claudine nursing students excelled in conducting such activities at Mesmer Hospital, the inmates benefitted a lot from the activities.

Blood donation day 14.06.2024

Each year, on June 14th, people around the world unite to raise awareness for World Blood Donor Day (WBDD).

This day reminds people of the crucial role blood donors play in saving lives and improving health outcomes. This year’s theme is “20 Years of Celebrating Giving: Thank You Blood Donors!” Our Claudine students at Dindigul Medical College Hospital thanked and recognized the millions of voluntary blood donors and created awareness to promote a culture of regular blood donation.

International day against drug abuse & Illicit Trafficking 26.06.2024

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26 June every year to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving a world free of drug abuse.

This year’s World Drug Day campaign recognizes that effective drug policies must be rooted in science, research, full respect for human rights, compassion, and a deep understanding of the social, economic, and health implications of drug use. Our Claudine students enacted a mind-blowing drama for the patients and attendees at the Dindigul government medical college hospital also in Mesmer Hospital. They were highly appreciated for their performance and awarded certificates.

Observation visits to mentally retarded home @ Nilakkotai 06.07.2024

Claudine students went to a mentally challenged home at Nilakkottai.

The program aimed to observe the activities of the children and to create awareness about Personal Hygiene and Environmental Hygiene for under-five children.

First aid awareness @ sevugampatti govt 12.07.2024

The awareness sessions focused on the basics of first aid, and how to provide first aid in wounds, bleeding, musculoskeletal injury, burns, heatstroke, poisoning, bites, drowning, fainting, seizures and unconsciousness.

All students showed the demonstration of dressing the wound, applying different types of bandages, splinting the injured body part, providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and transferring the victim. There was active participation by all the students and they expressed that the programme was very useful for them to meet the emergencies in school.

Old Age Home visit 20.07.2024

As part of the requirement, a visit to an old age home at the Ammapatti was organized on 20.07.2024.

There were 50 elderly inmates (both male & Female) at the old age home. The students of the Claudine college interacted with the elderly followed by an entertainment program with music, action songs, and dance. The inmates were very happy and blessed everyone. Later, fruits were distributed to them. It was a joyous occasion full of satisfaction that the team could bring some rays of happiness among the elderly. The program was carried out under the guidance of Sr. Amali, faculty of Claudine College of Nursing.

DINDIGUL VADAMALAYAN POSTING - 08.07.2024 -19.07.2024

Claudine College of Nursing students were exposed to various corporate hospitals

to widen their practical knowledge and experience. They were posted to Dindigul Vadamalayan Hospital and had good exposure.


As Claudine College of Nursing bears the name of its foundress, August 10th is the heavenly birth of our mother Claudine.

In view of celebrating Mother Foundress Day, novena prayer was started emphasizing the importance of praying to Mother Claudine as she is the miracle worker and patron of this Claudine campus.


The Department of Paediatrics of Leonard Hospital, along with students of Claudine College of Nursing, observed 'World Breastfeeding Week 2024.

The theme for this year was Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All. The week-long program, held from August 1 to 7, 2024, featured various activities to raise awareness and generate support for women in health facilities and workplaces.


The dengue awareness program was given by first-year BSc nursing students at Chellampatti Village.


The students of Claudine College of Nursing participated in the state-level intercollegiate extravaganza CONFEST 24

The event was hosted by the SNA Unit of CMC Vellore which was held from 23.08.24 to 24.08.24. Claudine students have participated in various competitions. The students showcased their talent in various competitions such as essay writing, poster presentation, dance competition, extempore, mono acting, painting, hairdressing, mehendi, pencil sketching, and glazy Pot. Our nursing students received recognition for their exceptional performance. Prize winners are: Ms. Kowsalya from General Nursing 2nd year secured 1st prize in Hairdressing, Ms. Merlin Princy from BSC Nursing 3rd year got 3rd prize in Javelin throw, Ms.Bennila,Swetha Sathyapriya from BSc 3rd year got 3rd prize in Extempore, Ms, Karunya and her team got 3rd prize for group singing.

TEACHERS DAY 05.09.2024

The Student Nurses Association of Claudine College of Nursing, celebrated Teachers Day on September 5, 2024.

The students welcomed the faculty with flowers and a thank you card, for the celebration. Ms. Karunya and her team rendered a prayer song to invoke god’s blessing. The students highlighted the significance of teacher’s day and the role of a teacher in moulding the students. Students dedicated a variety of entertainment programs from various batches for the teachers and conducted a few games. Students wholeheartedly thanked all the teachers for their active participation and contribution towards their learning. Ms. Santhana Jeromiya 3rd year DGNM student compered the program.


National Nutrition Week was observed on 7th September 2024 by the first-year BSc nursing students.

To support the theme “Feeding Smart Right from Start,” a sensitization program was organized for the students of other batches.


The event featured a sensitization Rally, role-play, displaying working models, charts, and posters highlighting the importance of breast cancer awareness among the general population, creatively performed by CCON students.

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