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2023 Activities

Anaemia Camp

Anaemia camp was Organised in Our Hospital premises on 08.03.2023 in Collaberation with FOGSI Dr. Alagueswari, Dr. Ramya devi Examined the patients free Blood checkups were done and Medicines were provided freely..

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation camp was organized by our Leonard Hospital at Sahaya Matha Church,Anjal Nagar Madurai on 07.04.2023

Illam Thedi Maruthuvam

‘’llam Thedi Maruthuvam ‘‘ A Reach Out with Medicine at Door Steps was started by our Leonard Hospital on 13.05.2023

Providing Nutrient Supplements to TB Patients

To Create a TB Free Environment Nutrient Supplements were provided for Poor TB Patients by Our Hospital

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp was organized by our Leonard Hospital at Arulandhar College,Karumathur on 28.07.2023.

Breast Feeding Week

To Highlight World Breast Feeding Week mega Awareness program was organized in our Hospital on 07.08.2023 our team of Doctors Dr.Santhosh, Dr.Santhiya delivered speech among patients to create awareness of Breast Feeding Nursing students explained the benefits of breast feeding by pamphlets to patients

World Nutrition Week

To Highlight Nutrition week Awareness program was organized in our Hospital on 06.09.2023 our team of Dieticians explained the benefits of Nutrients by pamphlets to the patients

Hospital Day

49 th Hospital day was celebrated on 10.10.2023


Delightful Moment in Receiving this Certificate from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India) . Our Leonard Hospital has been registered as a Ni-Kshay Mitra under the ‘’Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan‘’ to provide support to persons with TB undergoing treatment in eliminating TB from India.

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